
The groundbreaking software suite designed for the healthcare sector.

CareOS by Hawking Healthcare Technology

The healthcare industry is on the verge of a digital revolution. New advancements such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data create unprecedented opportunities for healthcare companies. CareOS by Hawking Healthcare Technology is at the forefront of this transformation. Our advanced software suite offers a range of tools and features designed to enhance efficiency, safety, and transparency within healthcare, improve patient care, and facilitate seamless collaboration among healthcare providers.

The client's journey as the foundation

At CareOS, your client and their treatment are at the core. All the necessary components of the client's journey can be easily navigated and documented through an intuitively designed client journey. The client journey within CareOS seamlessly integrates with your existing application landscape.

Client data, including treatment records, can easily be imported or exported from and to other systems (e.g., an EHR or systems of other healthcare providers) through APIs, all securely connected. The data entered into the client journey is used to prepare the appropriate treatment records with the correct frequency and for the relevant healthcare provider.

With CareOS, you can:

  • Integrate with ongoing healthcare processes.
  • Provide objective information during procurement discussions.
  • Map process optimisation and operational overviews.
  • Develop new relevant key performance indicators for the organisation.


CareOS is the world's first "no-code" development tool for healthcare. This means that healthcare organisations can use the applications developed by Hawking Healthcare Technologies and create their own applications without the need for programming knowledge. CareOS provides a variety of building blocks that companies can use and connect to their systems and data as they see fit, from question modules to reporting tools and from forms to tools that simplify and expedite the diagnostic process.

Data, data, data!

Much has been said about the workload of healthcare workers. The time they have to document various treatment aspects is a source of frustration for many. Hawking has its roots in Mental Healthcare. As part of the Yes We Can Healthcare Group, we understand better than anyone how frustrating it can be for many healthcare workers to spend so much time on documentation instead of providing care. However, we also recognise the importance of proper record-keeping for keeping healthcare affordable and transparent. But above all, we see the opportunities that all this data generated by healthcare workers can offer.

By storing and processing data correctly, all this data becomes information. By applying suitable algorithms to this information, the data provides unprecedented knowledge. Knowledge about the effectiveness of a treatment. About safety within a mental healthcare institution. Knowledge about the satisfaction of patients, clients, and fellows who have received care.

Hawking does not see the correct registration of treatments as a necessary evil but as a tremendous opportunity. Provided that registration imposes as few obstacles as possible for our healthcare workers. Because they should primarily do what they love most: helping people in need of care as effectively as possible.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

The various applications of CareOS heavily leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning. By incorporating artificial intelligence into our products, we aim to automate as much of the work of healthcare workers as possible. This includes generating treatment reports based on keywords and short multiple-choice questions. This saves a significant amount of time on documentation and ensures that data is consistently recorded, creating a reliable dataset.

Subsequently, our algorithms work with this data. Our applications learn from all this information. Instead of receiving explicit instructions on performing a task, our models learn by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns. Once trained, our software can make predictions or suggestions without being explicitly programmed for that specific task. Additionally, every healthcare organisation can develop and add its algorithms to CareOS.

Powerful Applications

CareOS by Hawking Healthcare Technology currently consists of the following 5 powerful applications:

Can we help you?

Are you interested in significantly reducing registration time within your organisation? Do you seek greater clarity on the value of care your organisation receives for every euro spent? Are you eager to facilitate more intelligent collaboration among your staff, enhance safety protocols within your healthcare institution, and optimise treatment processes? Are you curious about how CareOS can bring added benefits to your company, employees, and clients? Feel free to reach out to us for more insights and information. Call us at +31 (0)85 076 3000 or use our contact form.

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